Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Old Maid

Cracker Pete is a character from an event in my life that gave me the opportunity to love fireworks during the holidays that gave me permanent burns on my face. Vladimir Cathode is a video game console and it represents the wonderful age of intense gaming. Smoking Mirror’s mask is a Mayan mask from the time I visited the Mayan pyramids and temples in Belize. Sir Axehead represents the annual Renaissance fest I go to in October and November. Booker Bull is the day a graduated from high school with my diploma in hand. In my creative field that involves people of influence is Piet Mondrian, which is the artist that showed me that art isn’t always traditional but abstract. The person who inspired me with Piet’s work was my father “Juan Perez” and he pushed me to achieve success in my field of work. Ben Templesmith gave me the chance to create my new type of character design based on square shapes for body parts. Max Brooks was the man that brought me into the paranoia of the zombie subculture; it’s hard to design something without including them. In high school my art teacher Deborah Harkins influenced me greatly to pursue art and design further. 

In my workspace is hard to concentrate so I fiddle with objects around my desk at home. Wazer Ray is the hand held green laser I carry with me everywhere and to me its represents the vision of strong vibrant color. Brass Barry is a small spyglass on my desk, which means I must always see things in a different perspective. Decapatron is a vast assortment of Bowie knifes I keep on hand for whatever purpose basically a tool for cutting. Ring Randy represents the four rings on my fingers and I believe they bring me design luck. Dead Knott’s is a skeleton puppet that sits across from me and continually stares. Tom Toasty is an activity of solar bathing on scorching day; I enjoy the natural heat on the sun. Octave Oscillo represents all the music I listen to mostly electronic music. Theodough is a donut stimulant for energy. 

Fizzy Frank and Tiberius Tea are also stimulants to avoid boredom and stress during the creation process. Howard Hamburg is my number one food item to consume aiding the constant eating habit of not feeling full. Howler Harold is the necessity to let off steam from the time to time, helps avoid stress. Bill Burns is my stimulation of committing controlled arson on household applies that serve no purpose to me. Heavy Hitter is the opposite of burning appliances when feels better to smash it to pieces. Drowser Dave is my love of sleeping endlessly for hours like old folk. The Gorger is my fiendish old maid; whenever the fridge or pantry is full of delicious foodstuff I constantly get up from my workspace and grab a bite or sip of whatever. I keep wasting one to two hours of eating crap for no reason only that it tasted good and I am getting fat. Lastly the back of the card is a pattern of masks representing fire and water elements, their old drawings from high school that still have the same style as I have today.