Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Story Boards

I really enjoyed this project a lot because as a group we got to plan out our ideas for the 3 objects (paint bucket,princess & elephant). It would've been difficult by ones self and you can see the variations of different drawings from each of us. Somewhere in between Angels story board and mine the story became a bit confusing because people didn't understand who the princess was marrying. People thought it was the half brother but it was actually another prince from another kingdom as an arranged engagement marriage. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mix Tapes

When I began to listen Bach's Cello my mood for it was everything happening in slow motion with a sense of tranquility. Though it mostly reminded me of water droplets. 
With the song sad sad city however all I could interpret in my head was a dude either annoyed by love or or somehow searching for it in all the wrong places so he's fed up or something.  
The song E.S.P. by Miles Davis Quintet made me feel rushed or aggravated so all the drawing have some meaning of being rushed or annoyed. This song reminds me of those old cartoons that only use a trumpet and in turn it becomes a fast paced episode. 
The Pink Robots song obviously all I could think about is a dude battling giant robots or getting pissed at all the electronic appliances in your apartment that don't work. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Bard

The Julius Caesar poster really does fit Dionysus because his way of everything being hysterical with wide grin yet knowing that the audience is seeing something tragic. He doesn't really care as long as he gets a kick out of it. The way designs his title also is very childlike. I captured the essence of the play with the multiple shades of red symbolizing the blood of Caesar. The skull masks on the men behind him give the appearance of a grim death approaching. Even the clothes portray significant symbolism of his coming death, the toga representing the Caesar's Laurel Crown as a royal assassination and the tunic representing a bloody death. Still I have no idea why the RSC logo turned orange instead of red. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Editorial Illustration

The illustration for the billionaire article had me confused so I came up with the billionaire disguised as one of the 10% in  an overwhelming sea of them but also being one the 1% amongst the 99%. Originally it was supposed to be several heads in the crowd with his head being a different color but then I decided to show the bodies too. 

Simplification Through Symbolism

I have to say that this one was quite fun, the first quote with the horse was easy but drawing my own horse was hard, had to live trace it. The second quote was little tough to draw, couldn't figure out a good sitting position. The third quote came from a video game and I instantly came up with this idea of the grim reaper showing the dude his death through Tv.  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ugly Beautiful

When I began thinking of ideas that were ugly and beautiful some how I drifted into only doing things with death and decay. Until I remembered that the things humans eat are often really poisonous looking but the color of the food looks beautiful. Thats why I choose this Kiwano Melon, it looks ugly and poisonous but the color of the fruit looks stunning. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Emotional Cyrk Poster

I believe that the potential moods here is anxiety and at the same time the thrill of ecstasy for the trapeze fellow. In the ghostly crowd they await in anxiety as the trapeze artist hangs from the rope across a pit of flame. For them it leaves them in a state of uncertainty and cautious about the future. But for the trapeze artist there is no more room for fear but an endless delight to laugh it up to the fires hell and the crowds below.