Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mix Tapes

When I began to listen Bach's Cello my mood for it was everything happening in slow motion with a sense of tranquility. Though it mostly reminded me of water droplets. 
With the song sad sad city however all I could interpret in my head was a dude either annoyed by love or or somehow searching for it in all the wrong places so he's fed up or something.  
The song E.S.P. by Miles Davis Quintet made me feel rushed or aggravated so all the drawing have some meaning of being rushed or annoyed. This song reminds me of those old cartoons that only use a trumpet and in turn it becomes a fast paced episode. 
The Pink Robots song obviously all I could think about is a dude battling giant robots or getting pissed at all the electronic appliances in your apartment that don't work. 

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